Belt of TruthBreastplate of RighteousnessFeet fitted with the Gospel of PeaceShield of FaithHelmet of SalvationSword of the Spirit (Word of God) Ephesians 6:10-18


Welcome to Genesis to Revelation

Join Us as we Embark on Our Journey!

We’ve decided to bring our journey to and through faith online and share it with the world. You can check out our testimonies to see how we became Christians, see why we’re Christians, read along as we answer questions asked by believers and non-believers. We hope you will join us on our journey.

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  • Eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis quasi que

  • Accusantium dolore que laudantium totamrem periam

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    Extreme Sports

    Extreme Sports

    Extreme Sports Will Test Your Limits and Push the Boundaries to the Max

    Be Prepared To Experience The New Adventures

    With extreme sports enjoy the faster speeds and climb tall heights

    Be Prepared To Experience The New Adventures


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    The Bible

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    The Great Commission

    The instructors

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    God’s Plan

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    Read your Bible every day to know Christ better.


    Talk to God in prayer every day.


    Tell others about Christ.


    Worship, fellowship, and serve with other Christians in a church where Christ is preached.


    As Christ’s representative in a needy world, demonstrate your new life by your love and concern for others.


    Get plugged into the education classes at your church.